What to expect at a Golf Tournament Seminar

Posted on July 25th, 2016 | Author: Allison Doyle | Category: Fundraising Seminars
Learn everything you can about golf tournaments at a tournament seminar.

Did you know that at any given time, there is at least one free tournament seminar you could attend to learn about how to fundraise successfully, and what to do to plan your next golf tournament? The tournament experts at Golf Tournament Management host seminars open to anyone who wants to attend. All you have to do is RSVP! You can view the full tournament seminar schedule at: www.golftournamentmanagement.com/seminars

Do I need to attend a tournament seminar?

If you’re wondering whether you should attend a seminar, ask yourself these questions:

• Are you in charge of planning an upcoming golf tournament or golf event?
• Are you a Events Coordinator, High School Booster or Parent Volunteer, or nonprofit?
• Do you have little to no previous experience in large event management?
• Are you looking for secrets, tips, and advice from industry experts?

If you answered Yes to any of these, then a tournament seminar might be greatly beneficial to you as you begin your tournament planning process.

What will I learn at a tournament seminar?

The knowledge that you’ll gain from a tournament seminar will vary depending on the instructor and that day’s specific topic, but the overall theme stays the same. You will get a game plan for how to successfully plan and host a charity golf event. Even if you’ve never run a golf tournament before, you will be given a step-by-step guide on what needs to be done to raise your fundraising goal. If you’re more focused on just throwing a great team-building experience or company golf event, you’ll get tips on how to make the event enjoyable for everyone, while still staying within your allotted budget.

How is the tournament seminar structured?

Nicole Hage, the Regional Tournament Director for Atlanta at Golf Tournament Management, says one of the best parts of a tournament seminar is the sharing of ideas and stories.

“Often the group talks amongst themselves and share stories about what has worked in the past and what has not,” Hage says. “I also speak on an individual basis with everyone who attends, to give more specific advice tailored to each event.”

There are also sometimes speakers or vendors who attend the seminars, to present their ideas or services to the group. One such group that Hage uses takes care of many on-course details, including scoring, hole signs, tournament gifts, and on-course contests.

BONUS: 3 Takeaway Tips from a Tournament Expert

An example of what you might learn at an upcoming tournament seminar: 3 Takeaway Tips from a Tournament Expert

1) It’s important to have a committed Tournament Committee of at least 4-5 people. No matter how organized and experienced you are, one person cannot run a golf tournament.

2) Divide and conquer your tasks. Assign specific duties and responsibilities to individuals, and you’ll not only save time, but avoid redundancies as well.

3) Want to make more money? Use hole signs. There’s no rule you can only have one hole sign per hole, so why not raise more money by adding 3 signs on the green, 3 on the tee box, and one flag sponsor. As long as your signs are nice and displayed well, if you’re raising money for a charity, most sponsors won’t mind the company.

We hope this article helped you learn what you might expect at a tournament seminar, so remember to check the schedule at www.golftournamentmanagement.com/seminars and join us at an upcoming event! Until then, good luck and happy planning!

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